Used Textbook Sales (Semester 1) - Returning of Funds

Hi everyone, it's finally time to get back your money and books! As most of you already know by now, we are no longer selling the BOA textbooks due to a change in syllabus hence, we will be returning all the books backs to all respective owners.

Also, there are a few CMA and FA books that were not sold thus we will be returning it back to the owners as well.

To facilitate a smooth procedure while returning funds, there will be different slots given to all classes -

Monday (27 April 2015): 
1.00 - 2.00PM: (2A03/2A04/2A05)
Venue: Outside LT21/22

Tuesday (28 April 2015):
12.00 - 2.00PM: (2A01/2A02/2A06/2A07)
Venue: Outside LT21/22

Thursday (30 April 2015):
1.00 - 2.00PM: (All Year 3s)
Venue: Outside LT21/22

If you are unable to make it down to the assigned slot for your class, please contact Amantha at 94312544 and arrange another time with her. No one can collect the money on your behalf and if you do not re-arrange another date and time to collect your money, your money will be donated to the TP'S Campus Care Network (CCN).

Remember to bring your acknowledgement slip. No slip = no money. 

Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.