For A&F local CIP this year, we will be doing something special as we will be donating can drink rings to Rings for Lives.

Rings for Lives is a recycling campaign founded on 14 July 2012. It was inspired by the Prosthesis Foundation of H.R.H The Princess Mother, Thailand, and it aims to promote recycling. The metal can drink rings are collected and used to make artificial limbs to help the under-privileged amputees.


Weekdays: Collection will be on Mondays during your lecture timings and boxes will be placed either at the front or the back of the LT. Do drop your can rings into the boxes before the end of the lecture.

MST/School Holiday/E-learning Period: Boxes will be placed at level 6 outside room 3 or room 11.


We aim to collect 5000 can rings by the end of July so we hope that you can participate actively as it will be for a good cause! If every person donates 10 can rings (1 per week), we will be able to meet our target so do get your friends and family to help out in this meaningful event.

Do check the A&F notice board for updates on our progress.

For further queries, do contact Gloria (98327771) or approach any of the main committee members. 

"Let your good deeds be like the rain, drop a little everywhere."