Champions League: Super Heroes

Hi Freshmen & Juniors,

A&F IG's Champions League is back this year and the theme will be SUPER HEROES. Take a day off your busy schedule and stand a chance to win prizes by joining us on a fun-filled day playing various games from station to station.

Date: 16 January 2016, Saturday
Venue: LT 20
Time: 11AM - 6PM
Reporting Attire: Sports Attire & Covered Shoes

Things to bring: An extra set of clothes (Caution: Wet games!), Matric Card & Indemnity Form*

Get your friends and sign up here latest by 12 January 2016! For further queries, contact Aida (9181 6485) or Shuqing (9832 3895). We hope to see you there! :-) 

* Please DOWNLOAD and PRINT the indemnity form and bring it on 16 January 2016. Do note that participants will not be allowed to join in without the indemnity form. (