A&F local CIP – Volunteering at St Luke’s Eldercare

Hello everyone!

I hope all of you are coping well with your studies! I am delighted to share with all of you that ANFIG will be hosting a local CIP event in December. This would definitely be a great opportunity for you and your fellow classmates (or even, coursemates) to bond among yourselves. It will be great if all of us could play a part in this and contribute back to the community. You will be expected to interact closely with the elderly during the activities we planned.

Event: A&F local CIP – St Luke’s Eldercare
Date of Event: 21 Dec 2017, 1315-1600
There will be two venue the event will be hosting at :
Blk 101 Tampines Street 11, #01-13, Singapore 521101 [Tampines Centre]
Blk 350 Tampines Street 33 #01-438 Singapore 520350 [Changkat Centre]

If you are interested, do submit your entry via this link, by Saturday, 2 December 2017 at 2359 .
Also, you will be required to print the indemnity form and get it signed. Do submit your indemnity form to Andy on Tuesday, 5 December 2017 outside LT 17.
Selected students will be informed by Sunday, 3 December 2017 at 2359. If you have any inquiries, please contact Andy at 97890488.

Have a good day!

Andy Soh